Wednesday, April 27, 2011

PUR Gum: Xylitol Sweetened

It’s hard to find a good gum these days. I was looking for sugarless gum, something to clean my mouth between meals. But I also didn’t want something filled with artificial sweeteners. I detest things like aspartame (NutraSweet), sucralose (Splenda), acesulfame potassium (AceK) and saccharine. The other option for sugarless is Xylitol, which is a sugar alcohol which has a light, and very sweet flavor profile and a cooling effect which is ideal for gum. Xylitol is also show to be helpful in reducing plaque build up in the mouth between brushing that can lead to tooth decay.

PUR Gum is made with xylitol and is gluten free, nut free, dairy free, vegan and free of GMO ingredients. The gum comes in three flavors: Peppermint, Spearmint and Pomegranate Mint. It’s sold by Action Candy Company, based in Canada. I picked up these samples from the Frey company at the candy fair ISM Cologne earlier this year. It’s available in Canada and via online stores from Canada, though I expect it to be more widely available in the US soon.

Pur Gum

The Peppermint pieces are nicely sized. They’re 3/4” long and 1/2” wide. They’re smooth and softly shiny. Two pieces are a good portion as suggested by the package. The mint is strong and quite cool as a result of the xylitol sweetener. As I’ll mention here quite a bit, the chew at first is a little tough, but it does mellow out.

The peppermint is clear and strong, there’s a light burn to it that continues for at least fifteen minutes into the chew. The sweetness doesn’t last long, but I’m fine with that.

Pur Gum (Pomegranate)

Spearmint (in green) is racy. The chew is cool and fresh, but really strong. It’s Altoids strong. I find it burns a bit. The chew is soft at first but gets a bit stiffer as the coolness fades.

Even towards the later part of the chew, the minty flavor stays strong and the texture of the gum does loosen up quite a bit. The mint is green and penetrating without that grassy flavor that fresh muddled spearmint laves have.

Pur Gum (Pomegranate)

The blister packs are nicely made. I understand the necessity for certain kinds of candy being sealed up like this, even though it takes up a lot of space. The pieces were easy to get out and the little paperboard sleeve was light and spare (and recyclable).

Pomegranate Mint in the pink accented package is different. The first note is a woodsy tangy thing that’s a bit floral and a bit minty. Then it’s very cool on the tongue, which is the xylitol. It’s all very busy. It’s not that the flavors or textures or temperatures are incompatible, it’s that they’re just not integrated. So it’s noisy, like three radio stations bleeding through on the stereo at once. But after a while with the chew it calms down and things start working a little better. The coolness fades and it’s just a mellow sweetness, the woodsy notes of the pomegranate and a light dryness comes out and then a fresh mint flavor. The texture of the gum base varies. At first it’s soft and mushy, then it seizes up and is quite tough for a while ... then towards the end (as in, maybe ten minutes, which is about the limit for a piece of gum for me) it softens up again. At the very end it still retains its minty notes but all the sweetness is gone.

Xylitol is an excellent substitute for sugar in specific applications like gum or mints and is good for folks who can’t have sugar, like diabetics. It’s not a calorie-free food though, two pieces of gum have 10 calories. There are also some white tea extracts in there, which may be added for flavor or perhaps for antioxidants. They don’t seem to make it worse but probably make it more expensive.

Some people are sensitive to the effects of xylitol. Such effects include abdominal gas and diarrhea. These effects are reported with larger portions than are found in chewing gum though, there is one gram of xylitol in each piece of gum and tests were showing effects when consuming over 65 grams per day. Also note that dogs are especially sensitive to xylitol which can cause seizures and liver damage, so please don’t let your dog have gum or mints made with any sugar alcohol - in fact, just don’t give you dog any candy at all.

I know that chewing gum with xylitol is probably really good for me as a between meal pick me up and substitute for candy snacking, and this version is already tops on my list. I didn’t care for the pomegranate at all, but the other two mint flavors are great. Now if I could just find someplace to actually buy it.

Related Candies

  1. Maple Ice Mints
  2. Newman’s Own Ginger Mints
  3. Classic Gums: Black Jack, Clove, Beemans & Teaberry
  4. SparX
  5. XyliChew
  6. Mentos Xtrm: Mint & Spearmint

Name: PUR Gum: Peppermint, Spearmint & Pomegranate Mint
Brand: Frey
Place Purchased: Samples from ISM Cologne
Price: retail $1.50
Size: .44 ounces
Calories per ounce: 101
Categories: Candy, Gum, Mints, 7-Worth It, Switzerland

POSTED BY Cybele AT 11:25 am Tracker Pixel for Entry     CandyReviewGumMints8-TastySwitzerland

  1. This pomegranate trend has got to end. It’s NOT a suitable gum flavor. (Or Tootsie Pop flavor—ugh!)

    Comment by Alix on 4/28/11 at 11:15 am #
  2. Thank you for the shout out for the dogs.  Not only can it cause seizures in dogs it can be deadly.

    Comment by Jennifer on 4/28/11 at 3:21 pm #
  3. We reviewed these a few months back.  I absolutely agree that the pomegranate just didn’t cut it.  I loved the other mints though,

    Comment by Shannon on 5/03/11 at 8:03 pm #
  4. This chiclet gum format is a rip-off. The sweetness barely lasts half a minute. I don’t support these things with any money. Send a message with your wallet, and maybe manufacturers will wise up or go under.

    Comment by Dan on 6/10/11 at 4:09 pm #
  5. We LOVE the pomegranate flavour best by far. It’s the only flavour of gum my 5yr old will chew now! And I love the fact that there’s nothing bad in there for us. Thanks!!

    Comment by The Best Gum Out There! on 6/01/12 at 6:58 pm #
  6. This is the only gum I chew. I stopped consuming aspartame a little over a year ago and PUR is the perfect aspartame free gum. Cinnamon is my favourite! The flavour lasts, the texture is good and its widely available at all health food and even grocery stores close to me!

    Comment by Jessica on 3/01/16 at 8:35 am #
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