Friday, March 2, 2007

Peruvian Candies

My next door neighbors went to Peru for three weeks and brought back a huge cache of Peruvian (and South American) consumer candies. (They also brought some cookies, but I’ll try to keep this focused.) I find it quite fun to sample the consumer candies of all countries and regions and Peru was no different. So here are nine candies from Peru:

LentejasName: Lentejas
Brand: Nestle
Size: 36 grams

These little guys probably look familiar. They’re chocolate lentils ala Nestle Smarties. Only they’re not quite Smartie-like ... they’re the same size as M&Ms (Smarties are just slightly flatter and larger than M&Ms). The shell on these is very thick and crunchy. The colors are unbelievably bright.

The chocolate itself is only so so - grainy, too sweet and completely lacking in chocolate taste.

Rating: 4 out of 10.

Peruvian Milk ChocolateName: Prime Peruvian Milk Chocolate
Brand: Winter’s
Size: 100 grams

This bar had a lovely photo of the cloud-wrapped city of Machu Picchu on the box. Inside the box the large chocolate tablet was inside a plastic wrapper that looked exactly the same.

The bar was attractive: a dark looking milk chocolate.

Peruvian Milk ChocolateThe snap was not as sharp as some dark chocolates can be and it had a rather soft bite as many milk chocolates do. The flavor is rather milky, in a goat-cheese sort of way, with a little tangy note. The flavor of the chocolate was also strongly raisiny. It was very pleasant though completely different than most other milk chocolate bars I’ve had.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

Cua CuaName: Cua Cua
Brand: Lacta (Kraft)
Size: 18 grams

This is one of those bars that looks huge. The package is about the size a set of Twix bars, yet it only weighs 18 grams. This featherweight bar is all wafers with some light mockolate coating. Between the wafers is a little cocoa cream.

The bar, called Cua Cua, I’m guessing is a play on the sound a duck makes.

The bar smells sweet and a bit of chocolate. It’s also a little smoky smelling, though I couldn’t quite figure that out from the ingredients.

Cua CuaThe smoky notes gave it a little bacon flavor that I wasn’t really happy with. The wafers were crunchy and foamy - providing more light texture than taste in this party in my mouth.

The mockolate was of course waxy and unappealing. It often flaked off the bar when I bit into it. I’m a big fan of wafer with cream (I can’t imagine how many pounds of Nabisco Wafers I’ve eaten over the years) but this one just wasn’t quite as ducky as I’d hoped.

Rating: 3 out of 10.

CanonazoName: Ca?onazo
Brand: Costa
Size: 26 grams

This bar calls itself “barrita ba?ada rellena con crema de chocolate” which I’m guessing means chocolate filling with crisp wafers bathed in chocolate.

The crisp log of wafer was interesting, kind of like a sweet Cheeto. The chocolate filling was like a frosting, with a good chocolate taste and slightly grain. Like the Cua Cua, this was a light bar. Though it’s big it only weighs 26 grams (and is the size of a Snickers ... which are 58 grams). Unfortunately the coating on the outside isn’t chocolate and it’s rather waxy and uninteresting.

Rating: 4 out of 10.

Gomas EucaliptoName: Gomas Eucalypto
Brand:  F y D Inversiones, SAC
Size: 125 grams

These are crazy! Crazy, I tell you.

They’re little gummis covered with granulated sugar. About the size and shape of an incense cone. Nice and soft but with a good gelatin bounce. They look like they could be green apple or lime or maybe even spearmint. But they’re not. They’re mentholated eucaplytus flavored. Just like Hall’s Cough Drops.

Gomas EucaliptoThey’re sweet and aromatic and tingly.

It’s rather refreshing to get a cough drop that’s not all crunchy and hard, instead it’s soothing and invigorating all at once.

Definitely a winner in my book.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

NikoloName: Nikolo
Brand: Arcor
Size: 30 grams

The packaging here is pretty, it’s a white thick plastic wrap with a bold brown logo for the name of the bar and pretty little pictures of the nuts in the bar.

The label says, “tableta con sabor a chocolate rellena con mani almendra y cereal crocante” which means “peanut, almond and crispy cereal filled chocolatey bar.”

NikoloThe chunky look of the bar reminded me of Legos and was just about as tasty.

The nuts were fresh and crunchy and gave the bar a promising aroma, but the mockolate in this bar was waxy, chalky and just so bad. Look at it in the photo ... does that look like something you’re supposed to eat or something I molded out of dung?

Rating: 2 out of 10.

GolpeName: Golpe
Brand: Arcor
Size: 27 grams

If it weren’t for the Arcor brand on this, I’d be looking forward to this bar. The label says “Oblea rellena cubierta con caramelo y cereal crocante, con cobertura sabor chocolate” ... which translates to (courtesy of the wrapper, thankyouverymuch) “Filled wafer, toffee, crispies, all covered with chocolate flavor.”

Oh Arcor, again with the chocolate flavor? Is that why your company motto is “Le damos sabor al mundo” (translation: We flavor the world)?

GolpeIt’s a nice looking wrapper and it made me think of soccer.

The bar looks promising as well, with it’s crunchy studded mockolate. Inside are wafers with creme filling and then a scant covering of glistening caramel (I’m guessing that’s the toffee). The wafers are nice, and the toffee adds some nice flavor to the whole thing, but the bar had a rather chemical taste, like licking fresh dry cleaning. I don’t know if that’s the taste of Carbox/Methylcellulose (the last ingredient on the list), but it made my tongue buzz.

After this series of Arcor products they are now on my list as the Worst Candymakers in the World. (Granted, I haven’t tried everything made by everyone yet.)

This candy bar was made in Chile.

Rating: 2 out of 10.

SublimeName: Sublime
Brand: Nestle
Size: 22 grams

This is a cute little bar. The wrapper says, “Chocolate Blanco de leche con Mani” which is “white milk chocolate with peanuts.” Doesn’t sound too bad.

And it is pretty cute to look at.

SublimeThe chocolate is rather sweet, but also has a salty bite to it, which helped the peanut flavors stand out. I’m wondering if this was not de-odorized cocoa butter (most white chocolate is deodorized, so it has no chocolate flavor to it). It just may have been that the milk flavors with the peanuts were strong.

It was actually pretty good white chocolate bar. A little grainy but not the least bit waxy.

This bar was made in Bolivia.

Rating: 5 out of 10.

PrincesaName: Princesa
Brand: Nestle
Size: 38 grams

This is a cute little bar and of course has a upscale appeal of a regal name like Princesa. The ingredients are promising too, real chocolate in there.

The bar says that it’s “chocolate relleno con crema de mani” which means “chocolate stuffed with peanut butter.” Yum!

PrincesaThe chocolate here is dark (though there’s some milk listed in the ingredients, it’s way down the list). It’s a creamy though sweet bar. The peanut butter is very smooth and creamy as well and is completely overshadowed by the chocolate.

There’s a little spicy taste in the background, kind of like cinnamon.

This is a nice bar, not as peanutty as I expected, but as sedate and reserved as you’d expect from royalty.

Rating: 6 out of 10.

POSTED BY Cybele AT 6:14 am Tracker Pixel for Entry     CandyReviewArcorKraft/MondelezNestleCaramelChocolateCookieGummi CandyMockolateNutsPeanutsWhite Chocolate2-Appalling3-Unappealing4-Benign5-Pleasant6-Tempting7-Worth ItBrazilPeru

  1. I have a friend in Peru, looks like I don’t need to hit him up for some chocolate any time soon!

    Comment by spit on 3/02/07 at 7:42 am #
  2. Thanks for using flickr for your photos recently. They’re showing up in google reader, and it really ads to my enjoyment of your blog. I’ll still visit the site to check on comments occasionally, but the images in the feed are great. As for this review… thanks for taking 4 mockolate bullets for us!

    Comment by Rick on 3/02/07 at 9:11 am #
  3. Chocolatey bacon flavour…could be genius, or it could be the most disgusting thing ever.

    Comment by Julilla on 3/02/07 at 9:46 am #
  4. Cybele's avatar

    Spit - but maybe you need to send your friend some decent candy!

    Rick - the flickr photo thing is tricky, if they have an outage, them my whole site has problems ... so I’ll try to do half of the photos that way. I’m also looking as some more cost-effective hosting.

    For the record, my site got hit about 150,000 times last month with “hotlinkers” to my photos. If I didn’t block that there’s no way I could afford to keep the site going.

    But I’ll keep working on it, it’s very important to me that the feed is as good as the actual site.

    Julilla - there have been a few review of Bacon Candy lately ... but I’m not even gonna touch the stuff!

    Comment by Cybele on 3/02/07 at 2:34 pm #
  5. To continue a topic touched upon by the previous comments…

    How about some bacon brittle?

    Comment by Samantha on 3/04/07 at 9:50 am #
  6. Finally Peruvian candy! My dad was from Peru and every couple of years as a kid we would go down for Christmas. I loved the candy! Seems like your friend just sent you the crap! Donofrio makes some awesome stuff, and you can get really good homemade salty caremals on the street. And of course Manjar Blanco!! Peru’s version of Dulce de leche

    Comment by Marc on 3/04/07 at 2:10 pm #
  7. eating legos? licking fresh dry cleaning? We should all be glad we aren’t limited to peruvian candies! (or at least not those ones, if Marc’s memory is to be trusted :^)

    Comment by Tricia on 3/04/07 at 3:14 pm #
  8. Well, then again it was 30 years ago and when you are a kid ALL candy is good!

    Comment by Marc on 3/04/07 at 4:34 pm #
  9. i’m from peru and cua cuas never tasted bacony to me—ever! maybe you got a bad batch?

    i’m not that into the peruvian chocolates (although sublime actually has a milk chocolate that is pretty decent), i much prefer their hard candies and certain chews. Donofrio does make some good candy (fruit chews) as well as ice creams, but my favorite peruvian candy is called the Perita by Trome. They are so weird tasting (acidy and sweet) they’re actually addictive. Trome also makes one called Chicha Morada based on a traditional peruvian drink made out of purple maize although i believe that candy is an acquired taste.

    Comment by Sandra on 3/06/07 at 9:42 am #
  10. Cybele's avatar

    Sandra - thanks for the hometown testimony! It makes sense that a country that gets pretty hot would have a good handle on hard candies and chews.

    I’m sure the Cua Cua tasted like that because of some storage issue ... maybe the shop where they picked it up had it next to the beef jerky or something. (None of the other candy tasted off like that, so I figure it happened before they picked it up.)

    Perita sounds great, I’ll keep my eye out for it and make a special request for the next time my neighbors or their friends make a trip.

    Marc - I made a special request for the regular stuff you see at newsstands, so this is what I got. My neighbors friends are Peruvian and can testify that this is the stuff that they’ve eaten for years, though they also said that most of the companies have been bought out by mega-global companies that have ruined the taste. (Or as we get older we gain a little better perspective on what is actually good.)

    Comment by Cybele on 3/06/07 at 10:28 am #
  11. For chocolate and bacon, check out the “Cow & Boy” comic from 8 March 2007:


    Comment by Tricia on 3/08/07 at 4:34 am #
  12. OMG! Your site is awesome :D

    Comment by Josh on 3/09/07 at 1:14 pm #
  13. I have to protest because you present chocolates that are no original from Peru, such as Golpe, Nikolo and Ca?onazo.
    The typical peruvian chocolates are: dark Sublime, Golden Bar of D’Onofrio (Barra de Oro), of course, Princesa, Triangulo de D’ Onofrio also, Ali Baba, among others
    Winters also has good chocolates.
    It is very, very unfortunate for everyone to have the information that Cua Cua has bacon. Please, get a fresh one and correct your review !!!
    For the new flavors, you can try Helena’s chocolates (from Ica) and the Iberica chocolates (drom Arequipa).
    I agree that the favorite candies are peritas and lemon (no lime) hard candies, along with chicha morada hard candies. Also ‘gajos de limon’ and ‘gajos de naranja’.

    Comment by Cucha on 4/12/07 at 7:20 am #
  14. Cybele's avatar

    Cucha - the candies I present are ones that are available in Peru to Peruvians (and visitors). Where the package provide the info, I said where the candies were made.

    I am happy to try more of the confections from Peru at any time, thank you for your suggestions. Next time my friends go back I’ll give them a list.

    Comment by Cybele on 4/12/07 at 7:36 am #
  15. I went to Peru three years ago and in the months I was there became addicted to Nestle Sublime (mmmmmmmm). I was participating in an archaeological field school, and one of the older archaeologists who had spent lots of time in Peru said Nestle used to make Sublime out of dark chocolate (mas mmmmmmmmmm). Does anyone know how I can get some Nestle Sublime delivered to the U.S.? Or is that a lost cause because of the F.D.A.?

    Comment by Erin Morrow on 4/20/07 at 9:10 pm #
  16. As a Panamanian transplant living now in Chile, it has helped so much reading these reviews of chocolate that I can actually get my hands on. I admit, that most of the chocolate you reviewed there is awful and I have had the same exact reaction after eating them, but I have also tasted some really good chocolate as well. I am a complete chocoholic and one of the big things I miss about Panama is it’s huge Stateside candy imports. Chile hardly has M&M’s, much less Stateside candy imports, so I will have to make do with what I can.

    Comment by panajane on 4/29/07 at 7:03 pm #

    Comment by Helem on 5/16/07 at 10:30 am #
  18. HELP!!!  My roommate left for a month and the moment he did, my chocolate craving kicked in and I devoured a nearly full box of Nestle Sublime Buenazo in two days.  I began the search for replacements a day later and freaked when I saw it came from Peru.  (My roommate’s distant relatives live in Peru) and when I wrote to him, he said that’s the only place it can be found.  He didn’t say anything else and I’m thinking he’s crazy mad.  Can anyone lead me to a Peruvian connection?  Panajane?  Would you be willing to assist me?  I’d be delighted and happy to compensate you.  And next time I’ll just run to the store for my own chocolate. 

    Lesson learned smile

    Comment by Brenda Gilbert on 7/15/07 at 12:29 pm #
  19. Cybele's avatar

    Brenda -

    Here are a few unorthodox ideas ...

    There are some candy swapper sites: - you can match up with other people to swap stuff.

    Failing that, you could post a note on someplace like CraigsList offering to pay someone to stuff a box of them into their suitcase on their return from South America.

    Or keep an eye out on eBay to see if anyone is selling stuff from Peru and might be willing to hook you up.

    That’s all I can think of ...

    Comment by Cybele on 7/17/07 at 7:11 pm #
  20. I mostly agree with your reviews.  I have to add also that I think the quality went down since I was a kid.  But there is still good candy.  “La Iberica” from Arequipa is just amazing, I would rank it #1, great quality of chocolate, mazapan, and “turron de alicante”. #2 “Tejas” made by Helena, you’ll get addicted to them. #3 Sublime, it is really good but I think it was better years ago.  #4 Dona Pepa, it is just fun to eat. #5 Princesa, but I think you have to get the bite size ones.  I can keep going but I am getting hungry and melancolic :(

    Comment by Alvaro on 9/21/07 at 3:09 pm #
  21. I need information on how to order the Nestle chocolates?

    Comment by Elena on 10/03/07 at 8:56 am #
  22. I agree, La Iberica is wonderful chocolate! I bought it at the airport in Lima, within the terminal. If anyone knows how to get this chocolate in the US, please let me know!!

    Comment by divya on 11/13/07 at 6:54 am #
  23. i have had 30 mts ago a black nestle SUBLIME which is the basic one and not the white one(which you can’t just find in every store in Peru because it’s not so popular as the black one i guess) and which is also made in Peru and imported directly to Bolivia and not made there(they wish).Well the reason i saw this article is because i was looking for some information about it because i just felt i needed another (i just hate the 72 grms one) to be continue…...

    Comment by Rodry Gunz on 11/17/07 at 11:14 am #
  24. (continued) I just wanted to say that you cannot place an article about peruvian candy when you are reviewing the most of the cheapest ones, what can you espect to find for less than 15 cents(US)(Cua Cua,Canonazo,Nikolo,Golpe)and the rest 33 cents(US)(except the prime peruvian milk which is like 1.50 or more(USD)) Please Peru have much much better candy including Black SUBLIME which is just so addictive! SORRENTO never tasted anything like it   Peruvian Candy is just great! period!

    Comment by Rodry Gunz on 11/17/07 at 11:24 am #
  25. Where I can purchase Helenas Candied Limes (as written about in Williams Sonoma Gourmet Magazine a few years ago?)  One of your other writters mentioned Helenas candy - the candied limes are from a colonial recipe - whole limes “candied and filled with caramel and covered in fondant” and individually wrapped in while paper with “Helenas” name on them.)  Would appreciate your help with this - many thanks! Lynne

    Comment by Lynne Branson on 12/23/07 at 11:43 am #
  26. Hey I’m Peruvian and I have never even heard of Nicolo. (?) and ca?onazo and golpe are the cheapest and crapiest chocolates you can find. Almost everything else is pretty cheap too, so you can’t expect much :S
    I do have to agree though that ever since the Peruvian companies were bought by Navisco and Nestle, etc the taste of the chocolates and candy changed a lot (bad). How sad.
    I’m a big fan of Helena tejas and manjarblanco!!! mmmmmm!!!! and I LOVE cookies like coronitas, charadas! do?a pepa! and casino royal.
    I also love the peritas and cocorocos de limon mmmm! And I have to say that the best candy is definitely the artisan stuff you can only find in Peru! Sorry smile

    Comment by Romina on 12/26/07 at 12:56 pm #
  27. Hello,

    For those looking for Helena Chocolates, you can find them here:

    For those craving Peruvian chocolates and more, check this site: I have just found it. Looks good!



    Comment by Patti on 12/26/07 at 1:28 pm #
  28. Congratulations !!!
    I’d love to supply you with HELENA Tejas, Chocotejas and Chocolates. Please contact me at

    I am the owner of the US distribution and son of the founder Mrs. Helena Soler.

    I hope to be in contact with you soon !!!

    Best wishes for 2008 !!!

    .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    Comment by Fernando L Panzo on 12/30/07 at 3:14 am #
  29. Hi,
    Does anyone know if I can get the sublime bars personalized. I want to use them as my wedding favors.

    Comment by Lia on 1/12/08 at 2:34 pm #
  30. I remember really liking Lentejas, thanks for reminding me of them, they kept us going trekking in the mountains until one fateful day when my mate spilt our last packet and stained the snow all the colours of the rainbow. Yes, they were very bright. However, I remember Sublime bars being possibly the worst chocolate bars I’ve ever tasted. They might even be the worst tasting chocolate bar in the world…

    Comment by Salman on 2/11/08 at 10:21 am #
  31. I am Peruvian and grew up there, I live in the US now.  Your friends did not bring you the best representation of Peruvian candy bars. 1st. Sublime is not know for its white chocolate (its actually kind of bad) but for its classic milk chocolate with peanuts. 2nd. cua cua usually does not taste like bacon. 3rd. ditto on all the other commenters about the history and quality of the candies, 4th.if your friends go back to Peru tell them to bring you sublime milk chocolate, pricesas (single bonbon pieces), cocoroco’s peritas, triangulo, dona pepa, morochas (cookies),  triangulo, barra de oro, coronitas (cookies).  5th. The absolute best chocolates in Peru come from “La Iberica”.

    For Peruvian candy in the US there is an online store that is legit. (I’ve ordered Peruvian chocolates, candies or cookies from them, including cocoroco’s Peritas).

    Comment by E on 2/13/08 at 8:13 am #
  32. I wanted to find out how to get Dona Pepa in the United States. I would buy it online but I don’t have a credit/debit card currently. Does anyone know of an outlet store of some sort in Washington State I could go to? If you do please contact me @ .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  THANKYOU.

    Comment by Baochau on 2/21/08 at 10:43 am #
  33. I want to buy Cua Cua, how do I get them here in the US?

    Comment by Robert on 2/22/08 at 6:53 am #
  34. I COMPLETELY DISAGREE with the ratings you gave the chocolates! I lived in Peru for 8 1/2 years and the chocolate there is SO MUCH BETTER than chocolate you get here (unless you pay the ridiculous amounts for high end chocolate that I’m sure isn’t even from the US). The sublimes ESPECIALLY deserve a higher rating! For any of you who considered not trying chocolates from Peru based on these ratings, I strongly urge you to reconsider! Peruvian chocolate is AMAZING!

    Comment by David on 3/11/08 at 3:20 pm #
  35. I completely disagree with your derogative comments on Arcor. Like you said, you haven’t tried almost anything from them yet, and yet you dare put them in a black list. Shame on you.  So, if you lack information, and you want a serious blog, try a decent percentage of the 1500 products they produce and write later.

    Comment by Silvina on 3/30/08 at 4:19 pm #
  36. Cybele's avatar

    Silvina - a decent percentage of 1,500 products? What would that be?

    Do have a suggestion of an Arcor product that is good?

    David - I think the real Peruvian chocolate bar I had was quite good and have since had some very good Peruvian chocolate (or at least made from Peruvian beans, which I think will become some of the most sought after on the planet).

    Comment by Cybele on 3/30/08 at 5:11 pm #
  37. I have found a true Peruvian Chocolate at Whole Foods on River Road in Bethesda, MD.  I travelled to Peru recently and tried the chocolates that you mentioned in your blog.  Those are cheap chocolate imitations.  They are not quality chocolates, just as in the US we have cheap chocolate and then fine specialty chocolates.

    The chocolates are La Orquidea and are made in Peru from the finest Peruvian cocoa and other local ingredients.  They have Quinoa and Kiwicha varieties that have a nice crunchy texture.  They use Brazil nuts in another variety, which helps preserve the rainforest due the growing conditions needed to produce Brazil Nuts.  There are nine varieties in total.  A friend of mine in Colorado ordered some as well and they shipped to her without problem.  They sent her an invoice for her order through google checkout. 

    The site is

    Your posting addresses the cheap chocolate found at kiosks and bodegas in Peru.  It is unfortunate that most Peruvians don’t know about the great chocolate that Peru produces and have to eat the chocolate you rated abouve.

    Comment by Dan on 6/05/08 at 4:29 am #
  38. Cybele's avatar

    Dan, as I mentioned to Marc, above, you totally miss one of the points of this blog. It’s about candy ... the good and bad. Even if this isn’t the best ambassador candy of Peru, it’s stuff that not only exists, is extremely popular. Yes, ordinary people buy it at bodegas ... that’s what I’m after, cultural exchange of items from everyday life.

    I’m glad you found some great Peruvian chocolate.

    Comment by Cybele on 6/05/08 at 4:58 am #
  39. I understand the point of the Blog.  However, You show the bad and none of the good.  If you have a blog, try to be a bit more balanced.  Your posting makes it seem that all Peruvian candy is garbage.  Just try to be a bit more balanced. 

    Perhaps you could mention why people in Peru buy cheap chocolates, that would expose more of your readers to the daily life of Peruvians and do more in the way of your “cultural exchange”.

    Comment by Dan on 6/05/08 at 5:16 am #
  40. Cybele's avatar

    Dan - none of the good? Did you read the post? There are two very good products listed there, the single origin chocolate and the strange but tasty menthol gummis. How much of Candy Blog have you even read ... do you understand my rating system and what other candies fall within those ratings? Did you read any other candy reviews or just this one?

    The blog is a review of candies that I get a hold of, not an analysis of different candy markets. That would be a different blog that you are more than welcome to create and maintain.

    Comment by Cybele on 6/05/08 at 5:24 am #
  41. I’m looking for Ambrofoli candy. It’s is a candy that contains licor. On the label it also reads BON-AMI. Made in Peru. Does anyone know how i can get more of this candy. A friend gave it to me but doesn’t know where i can get it from.

    Comment by Jennifer on 6/27/08 at 4:58 am #
  42. These brings such good memories my parents and I are from Peru. In 1980 was the last time I`ve been in Peru but I still rememeber when my dad use to buy me peruvian chocolates Sublime was my favorite in rich chocolate.Also Golazo de Motta. My dad has passed away but I treasure this moments like gold.

    Comment by Anna Carrion on 7/04/08 at 9:54 am #
  43. My wife recently visited Peru and came home with Winter’s Milk Chocolate. It’s about the best cholocate I’ve ever eaten! Does anyone know where in the US I can purchase it?

    Comment by PAUL on 7/20/08 at 11:10 am #
  44. The chocolate and candy market here is divided sharply into three sectors: children, global and mainstream (the names differ between manufacturers, but that’s the gist of it).  What you got fits in the categories like this:

    Lacta Cua Cua
    Costa Ca?onazo
    Nestle Lentejas

    Arcor Nikolo
    Arcor Golpe
    Nestle White Sublime

    Winter’s Prime Peruvian Milk Chocolate
    Gomas Eucalypto
    Nestle Princesa

    The children’s sector is just that, sugar, fancy packaging and not much else. Global is a mixture of old peruvian *brands* with global companies’ formulations. Mainstream is historical peruvian chocolate and candy.

    The problem is that there is a lot of mix between the segments with the same brand. For example, Sublime has a product in all three segments (Sublime in mainstream is the original D’onofrio formula; White Sublime is a standard Nestle bar sold all over the world with different names; Sublime Bonbon is the Children’s entry).

    This is because of all the buyouts and mergers that took place in the 80’s, effectively eliminating “peruvian chocolate” from stores.

    Comment by Hugo De Zela on 8/08/08 at 9:58 pm #
  45. Hola Todos,

    The candy in Peru is very different than that found in the USA but that is good because this way we can have diversity and a chance to long for that incredible bite of a candy we had not tasted in awhile.
    I have available most of the candies that you are looking at here on this page, if I don’t have it I can get it with in 7 - 10 business days.
    Just email me and in awhile you will be taken back to a cobble stone street in the Andes mountains.
    Buen provecho, chau chau

    Comment by Paola Estremadoyro on 8/12/08 at 8:18 am #
  46. Hi all,

    I wanted to give everyone wanting to try Peruvian chocolates or candies a shot or for those that have had a bad expierence with Peruvian chocolates or candies a great site to have them delivered right to your home, and while your at it can give Peruvian meals a try as well.

    The Helena Chocotejas I had delieverd were awesome! and they have pretty much everything else mentioned above too.

    Comment by Jose Rodriguez on 9/19/08 at 7:56 am #
  47. Hello and Hola,

    Please feel free to take a look at our new website offering the best in Peruvian delights.. we are prompt, insured and run by professional chefs.

    Need something for your wedding? Party? or you are just craving something special, we have it or can find it..

    Try us out

    Thank you - Gracias - chau chau

    Comment by Paola Estremadoyro on 9/19/08 at 9:10 am #
  48. I love candy from south america.  I used to live a couple of diff. places there when i was young.  I have been looking for some candy that I used to get there as a kid.  I thought maybe u could help.  They are little fruit candies kind of like skittles that are called Chispa.  If you know where i can get some I would appreciate it. 
    Thanks Mary

    Comment by Mary Putnam on 11/23/08 at 1:13 pm #
  49. I have to say something, your blog just SUCKS!!!!
    How would you feel if I make a blog about US candy and forgetting of milkyway, babyruth, butterfinger, hersheys, sneackers, kit-kat, m&ms;, skittles, etc. And not only that, putting all the sorry ones and rating them. Would you like that????????

    Comment by Rodry Gunz on 12/16/08 at 5:28 am #
  50. Cybele's avatar

    Rodry Gunz - it wouldn’t be a very original blog, as I’m already pretty harsh about US candies (including some you mention). But please, go ahead, I think the confectionery world can use more critiques.

    You must feel very strongly about the candy profiled here if this is your third visit to comment in a year. (Have you read anything else I’ve written?)

    But just so you know, I don’t go into this hoping that things will be bad so that I can give them a harsh review ... I want candy to be good. I would question anyone who is so nationalistic to think automatically that a particular company or country does things better than another without tasting it for myself.

    I appreciate the commenters here who have added to the discussion by listing other candies that are noteworthy, not getting personal.

    Comment by Cybele on 12/16/08 at 6:11 am #
  51. I am trying to find a lemon oval shaped hard candy that was given to my Grandson by a friend from Peru.  The label only says that it was made in Peru and the distributor is ARCOR and the flavor is Limon.  I’ve looked online and cannot locate this particular one.  Does anyone know where I can order this candy?

    Comment by Kathy Barendt on 12/20/08 at 3:31 pm #
  52. um i’m peruvian and i’ve loved the candies that i have eaten from there since i was a little kid. when i moved to the united states my grandma would always bring back peruvian candy. idk wuts up with ur “bacony” flavor…cua cuas never hav had a bacony taste and they’re supposed to be crispy and very lightweight and obviously its gunna flake raspberry this blog really does suck. plus most of the candies here aren’t even true peruvian. most of these are boliviano and salvadoreno. you even forgot frunas! frunas are the bomb!

    Comment by diva divina on 3/25/09 at 4:39 am #
  53. Diva - thank you for the suggestion of frunas.

    I’m sorry you have a low opinion of the entire blog and the 1,000 reviews here.

    Comment by cybele on 3/25/09 at 6:03 am #
  54. I recently returned from two years of Peace Corps service in Peru, with a little stash in my luggage of my top fave Peruvian chocolate. Trouble is, I want to share with a very small collection of my bestest friends, and I want to eat more! I would love to find a way to get more Milky bars by La Iberica of Arequipa, and Chocosodas, by Nestle, but only available in South America. Milky is La Iberrica’s low cost bar. Most of what they make is AMAZING but a bit beyond Peace Corps budget. A very rich and smooth milk chocolate, a bit darker but also creamier than normal for the US. Chocosodas are a brilliant idea for a snack that at first might seem strange, and then is brilliant! A soda cracker bathed in chocolate. Salty, crunchy, chocolaty, addictive…. Whoda thunk it? Write Nestle an insist that they bring them north! Many thanks for the links. The Whole Foods in DC will make many ex PC volunteers very happy!

    Comment by Daniel on 5/14/09 at 6:56 pm #
  55. HAHHAA. i dont mean to be rude but cua cuas do NOT taste like bacon or smell like smoke so i think you might have gotten a baaaaaaad CUA CUA. lol ive eaten these since i was a little boy and never have i ever got the hint of smoke or bacon, and i like both of them! hehe

    This actually is my favorite bar in the entire world and ive lived in the states for 22 years now and tried many many chocolates.  So please… actually saying this in a respectful manner…with respect to the cua cua and others…i do not agree with your interpretations of the candies….i think they are a bit off… maybe you might want to have a better sample size, or try at least a couple of the same candies to make sure your not having a ....smoky, bacon-like candy…... =]

    Comment by Franco on 6/23/09 at 2:52 am #
  56. oh i just said divinas comment, im glad im not the only one who said “whats up with the bacon thing?!”

    You know what would be really neat?  If you put an update in the cua cua section saying it was a bad sample and put that it shhould not taste like bacon and smell like smoke =]  Because they dont, hehe. ive only read like 2-3 comments and they were all saying “im not getting candy from peru now!”- more or less and that hurts because peru has GREAT, GREAT candy. Theres many classics missing too..  *cough* Dona Pepa *dough*

    Comment by Franco on 6/23/09 at 2:57 am #
  57. Cybele's avatar

    Franco, of course I only had one. It’s a review blog and I said at the top that this assortment was what I got from my friends. Yes, I’m willing to taste it again, but my friends haven’t returned.

    I’d hope that whoever is considering buying a cua cua or loving their cua cua doesn’t take this review as the one and only valid opinion. Folks like that need more than a simple statement along with the review.

    Honestly, I’ve never seen more defensive comments than this set of reviews for the Peruvian assortment and I’ve certainly panned other candies. It’s candy ... like what you want.

    Comment by Cybele on 6/23/09 at 4:55 am #
  58. Cybele, i agree with what your intentions were to begin with and i thank you very much for the blog about Peruvian candy, i thought it was a really neat idea.  Im sure that I along with others who have sampled many more than one just want to set the record straight and have those who have never tried or heard about our candy not be misinformed or given a wrong impression.

      All in all, besides the fact that people dont agree with the claims, cool!

    Comment by Franco on 6/23/09 at 9:01 am #
  59. dona pepas are the best!

    Comment by belle on 8/01/09 at 9:43 am #
  60. its all about local ICA tejas
    dulche de leche,fresh pecans and dark chocolate in one decadent bite

    Comment by antonio on 10/30/09 at 9:48 am #
  61. I’m looking for where I can order Nestle Lentejas for my husband. Its one of his favorite candies.  Do you have any suggestions?

    Comment by Julie on 12/14/09 at 9:34 am #
  62. In 1972-73, I was a Rotary Exchange Student to Potosi,Bolivia. Had a terrific time breaking all the “rules”! One of my fondest memories is reading a borrowed copy of “Gone With The Wind” while snacking on Sublimes-milk chocolate with peanuts. Wow! They were great! Haven’t enjoyed one in 36 years! Would love to see them again!

    Comment by Karen on 12/29/09 at 5:27 pm #
  63. i am from peru and i have to disagree with the low ratings that you gave almost all of these candies. all these candies are probably some of the most well known and liked in peru. i wonder if you dont like them because you didnt grow up eating them, like we did?...overall, i was very surprised and disappointed at the ratings; but i guess that everyone has different preferences. with that said, i am sure that a peruvian would have very different opinions.

    Comment by adri. on 1/01/10 at 3:09 pm #
  64. Not the greatest of Peruvian chocolate! I’m from Peru and I absolutely adore sublime (but not the white chocolate version, that’s way too sweet for me) other people said, you are missing Triangulo and Milky from Iberica (a chocolate brand from Arequipa).  Now that I think about it the best chocolate brands are La Iberica and Helena, because they follow a process that is less industrial and more traditional.  Donofrio is a popular brand, and Winter’s SUCKS, it doesn’t taste like chocolate at all.
    I agree with your review for Cua Cua…it was much better when it was not Nestle and it was just D’onofio…something happened to the ingredients I guess.  And, I don’t like lentejas too much, I prefer M&Ms; too.  The only decent chocolate there is the Princesa. 
    I love sweets and chocolate and I love my adorable candies smile I just had to speak up for them.

    Comment by Clau on 2/24/10 at 7:32 am #
  65. La Iberica gets their beans from the south of Peru that has a lower quality cocoa bean.  La Iberica is famous in Lima and are a decent company but not as good as La Orquidea.

    La Orquidea won an award for most aromatic cacao in the world at the Salon du Chocolat in Paris.  Price is the main factor in the Peruvian market, but La Orquidea produces a quality chocolate that costs a bit more.

    The items reviewed in the blog are candies not real chocolate.

    CNN did an article about Peru and chocolate found here:

    I ordered some chocolates from and they were better than most European bars I have bought.  The flavors of their bars are to be appreciated.

    Comment by Dave on 2/24/10 at 7:52 am #
  66. Cybele's avatar

    The title of the post says Peruvian Candies (not chocolate). It is a sampling of candies that my friends gave me. It is not an assessment of an entire country, culture or worthiness of anything other than my reaction to this set of products.

    I am happy to try other products, but the key is that I need to get a hold of them.

    I have also tried single origin chocolate from Peru. (Stainer & Tcho are two that I’ve reviewed on the blog.)

    Comment by Cybele on 2/24/10 at 7:58 am #
  67. I went to Peru on a mission trip and i feel in love with sublime but mine was milk chocolate with peanuts. do you think that if you got the regular you would have liked it more

    Comment by Aj on 8/09/10 at 5:52 am #
  68. Im from Peru and I’d like to know if someone of you have tasted TRIANGULO (chocolate bar) I think is one of the best chocolates we have ...and if you want more info about chocolates in peru please to comment….

    Comment by david on 10/14/10 at 7:53 am #
  69. Does anyone know how I can order Winter’s Prime Milk Chocolate?  Visited Peru and didn’t get enough.  Would love to order.

    Comment by Katy on 10/14/10 at 9:14 am #
  70. Well I don’t know but I can get it for u if you want of course, and I can recommend you another handmade traditional chocolate from Jaen Peru and I can gift you because I’m making a study about new markets for that chocolate and I want to know if people would like it…. just contact me .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


    Comment by david on 10/26/10 at 9:32 pm #
  71. Great Article, I just found your blog and I’m kind of a candy enthusiast too. I think your system of reviewing candy is great, even thought people can get very mad. I think you’ve done a really good work reviewing what people really eats on the street. Im peruvian, so I can tell this are the candies you will find on the street. That said you’re review missed the most classical/popular chocolates(that other people has also mentioned): Dark Sublime and Triangulo de d’onofrio. I will also add Doña Pepa in less importance, but its also a really popular and good chocolate. By the way, dark sublime and triangulo de donofrio is now selling in the streets like crazy, on the buses (its really common to buy candy in the public transportation here in peru).

    You also didnt mentioned some classical candy like Frunas (from donofrio), it tastes similar to laffy taffy, but has much stronger fruity flavor.

    I understand you only reviewed what your friends gaved you, but I hope some day you can add this candies to your review.

    I have read other posts from you as well, they were great smile!

    Comment by Laura on 11/13/10 at 6:32 pm #
  72. i think peruvian chocolate is the best is not that sweet that with the first bite you dont want it no more. i believe usa makes nasty chocolate it is very sweet and disgusting. and i also dont believe the cua- cua has a bacon taste at all, whoever says that it has a bacon taste they have serious problems. i love peruvian candy specially princesa chocolate with pennut butter… the best!

    ps. i hate how ppl just puts peruvian candy like it was just nasty shit! those are ignorant people that dont know real flovor of stuff!

    Comment by very mad about this post! on 11/20/10 at 2:41 pm #
  73. Seriously? Peru has some of the best candies ever! Bacon-flavored Cua Cua? You’re obviously on something coz that’s bull, its just a chocolate wafer. Also, many of those candies suck. Please don’t label Peru as being full of that shit, coz its not. There’s a lot of delicious treats.

    Comment by fd on 12/08/10 at 5:38 pm #
  74. The problem is that whoever gave you the candy has absolutely no idea of popular peruvian Candy…I’m peruvian and if a friend of mine asks me for traditional, representative peruvian candy I would have never ever ever thought of getting them Nikolo, Golpe, Cañonazo or White Sublime….first of all the first three are not even peruvian and they haven’t been in the country for that long…besides they’re all disgusting and really really REALLY cheap. Then, I’m not a big fan of Cua Cua or Lentejas but they are representative and some people likes them a lot. Where did your friend even found white Sublime? I have friends who love it but don’t know where to buy it since they’re so not representative that you can’t find them anywhere. However, dark Sublime is traditional, representative and amazing. Your friend bought you crap…as simple as that. There are a lot of mainstream, popular and cheap candy that is actually very good…for example, some good popular chocolates include Triangulo de D’onofrio, some other Winters bars, etc. Also, there is a candy bar called Doña Pepa that is a vanilla cookie covered with chocolate and sprinkles that is very good. Then, a lot of gummy’s, hard candy and chews are good…I don’t know why your friend got you the crappiest candy….seriously, I’m 22 years old, I have lived my whole life here in Lima and I have never ever had a whole Golpe, Cañonazo or Nikolo bar because they’re gross…and Golpe is old but the first time I saw a Cañonazo (featured as something new) I was probably 9 years old…and I might have been 11 the first and only time I bought a Nikolo and threw it away after having one bite.

    Comment by Cristela on 11/22/11 at 7:39 am #
  75. i think your just madd that peruvian candy is much more tastier than american , peruvian chocolate taste sooooo good it like melts in your mouth its awesome so stop giving our candy bad reputation taste it first

    Comment by Kimberly Rodriguez on 7/25/12 at 9:53 am #
  76. As a Peruvian, I find it embarrasing that a majority of comments have been critical of your post and reviews. It is very common for Peruvians to be extremely defensive when it comes to food. If for example you mention that you don’t like typical Peruvian foods/drinks like ceviche, Inca Kola, pisco sour, etc. you will receive very similar (or worse) criticism. Some people need to be able to accept that not everyone likes the same things. It’s not as if the people that are angry with your reviews made these candy bars themselves.

    I for one enjoyed your post as it provided a different perspective from someone who has not grown up with many of the candies you review. I also completely understood that saying you didn’t enjoy a certain candy bar (which in almost every case is made by a multinational company anyway) does not constitute an attack on Peruvian gastronomy or culture.

    Keep up the good work, and know that a significant amount of Peruvians are not as closed-minded as some of the commenters would lead you to believe.

    Comment by Pedro on 8/10/12 at 11:23 am #
  77. I live in Canada and was wondering where I could get doña pepa candy? It was like a cookie with sprinkles.
    I tried them once and would live more

    Comment by Melanie Keezer on 11/07/12 at 4:28 pm #
  78. I was born and raised in Peru and I have been familiar with Peruvian chocolates and candies for more then four decades.
    As any Peruvian my age will tell you, one of the best memories we have is enjoying the chocolates and candies in Peru.
    However, I have noticed the flavor has been changing throughout the decades from great to not so great.
    I decide to so some research to find out why
    and I have concluded the change was due to our great “friend” GLOBALIZATION,
    Many Peruvian Companies, makers of candy, chocolate, cookies and other treats, who were by tradition, loyal to producing great products using great ingredients, were sold to Transnationals who were more interested in making money than making a good product as the old companies did.
    These transnational companies use a low quality chocolate, mostly(GMO) and a lot of artificial flavorings in order to spend less money and make more profit. Nowadays, the average Peruvian only have access to lower quality products. Organic Peruvian chocolate has still the great quality it had before but is only available to those who are willing to pay the higher prices.
    Organic Peruvian Chocolate is today one of the best chocolates in the world, it is send to Switzerland for processing and sent to Gourmet Chocolatiers in Peru, UK, Canada, France and the United States. That means, you won’t find it in Hershey’s, M&M’s, or Cua Cua and any products by Nabisco or Nestle. Sublime may have only a little bit of it.
    If you really want to know how Peruvian chocolate is, and was decades ago before Globalization, ask any expert Chocolatier or you may find it in these companies: Moonstruck, Guanni Chocolates, Bella Lucce, Willie Chocolate Shop, Gail Ambrosius Chocolatier, Peruvian Chocolate in Rockville, MD; Sweet Paradise Chocolatier; and La Casa Del Chocolate en Lima, Peru, just to mention a few.
    Want to know more: google Peruvian chocolate. grin

    Comment by Doris on 12/31/12 at 4:47 am #
  79. Hi i live in dubai currently and went to peru craving for cua cua,does anyone know any online shop that can provide delivery worldwide
    Thank you again

    Comment by tia on 6/26/15 at 5:57 am #
  80. Hey I live in Miami beach Florida but is there any place in Florida that sells Sorrento I just tried it recently and it’s just so delicious I need to know!!

    Comment by Daniela on 10/01/15 at 2:33 pm #
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