Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cookie Dough Bites

Here’s another candy that has been around for years but I simply have not tried: Cookie Dough Bites. The concept of the candy is pretty simple, soft nuggets of “cookie dough” covered in chocolate. After all, loads of people love to eat cookie dough as they’re making a batch and how many romantic comedies feature the heroine sitting around eating a chub of the pre-made stuff to drown her sorrows in the third act?

Cookie Dough Bites Array

I guess the main reason that I’ve never tried them is that they don’t come in a single-serve size, just in these big theater concession boxes. I don’t go to the movies that often and I’ll admit that I stick to my tried-and-true favorites: Junior Mints, Good & Plenty and SweeTarts. 

All of the boxes make note that they are EGG FREE. Now, at first I looked at that and I though, what is E.G.G., is this something like Non-GMO? It took me a few moments to realize that they meant, eggs, plain old eggs. It makes sense that when you say cookie dough people might think that there’s raw eggs in there. Not only are there no raw eggs though, there simply aren’t any eggs at all. Of course the allergen alert does go on to mention that they’re made in a facility that also processes eggs (and peanuts, nuts, milk solids, wheat and soy), so it’s not like that note is anything other than an advertisement that there’s no salmonella.

Milk Chocolate Cookie Dough BitesMilk Chocolate Cookie Dough Bites are the original product in the line. The nuggets vary in size, some are as large as a hazelnut and some as small as a pea.

The image on the front shows little bits fo chocolate chip cookie dough being drenched in milk chocolate. However, I bit a lot of these in half and never found any chocolate chips. Or even flecks.

No biggie, the chocolate coating takes up that contribution of chocolate chips quite well.

The center is not quite a moist dough, it’s a little more chalky ... but not quite shortbread territory. It reminds me more of sugar cookie dough than chocolate chip cookie dough, as CCCD has a touch of brown sugar.

They’re suprisingly tasty. The chocolate isn’t at all notable, it smells a bit like chocolate, but isn’t really that creamy or satisfying. The easy chew & pop some more qualities make them an excellent movie snack.

Rating: 5 out of 10

Dark Chocolate Covered Cookie Dough BitesUnlike the Milk Chocolate version, I actually found a few chocolate chips in the Dark Chocolate Covered Cookie Dough Bites! I don’t think it made much of a difference overall. 

The dark chocolate also isn’t truly dark, it has some milkfat in it, but it’s not like anyone expected these to be vegan otherwise.

The general texture and bite was similar to the milk chocolate, perhaps a little “drier” but still very munchable. I appreciated that they didn’t taste quite as sweet (those paying attention to the nutrition label will see that the dark one actually has more fat and less sugar). The dark chocolate was a little chalky sometimes, but had a dry finish that kept them from being too cloying. The cookie centers have a slight sugary grain to them that works pretty well.

Rating: 5 out of 10

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough BitesTo be honest, I was more interested in the Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Bites than the original and I think that interest was well founded.

They look just like the original Milk Chocolate Cookie Dough bites, but even after I took them out of the package for the photographs, I could tell them apart with a quick sniff. These smell like peanut butter all the way.

The chocolate seems creamier on this version than the other bites, I’m going to guess that the fattiness of the peanuts helped. The center is softer and not quite as chalky as the others, it seemed to almost melt in the mouth. The peanut butter flavor is light and fresh, but kind of lacks that “fresh roasted flavor” that peanut butter cups have. I could have used just a smidge more salt and perhaps a sugary grain to sell the dough part.

Though they’re not quite the same, fans of Reese’s Bites might enjoy this as a replacement of that discontinued product. (It’s still not quite as peanutty.)

Rating: 7 out of 10

Fudge Brownie Cookie Dough BitesThe final variety is Fudge Brownie Cookie Dough Bites. This one had a nice brownie batter consistency for the center with a good sugary grain to it. The cocoa flavors of the center went well with the chocolaty flavor of the coating. They rated a little higher for me than the regular Cookie Dough Bites, but I still think the Peanut Butter ones are the most successful of the array.

Rating: 6 out of 10

The only ones I’ve actually seen in stores are the original at places like Target, Dollar Tree, 99 Cent Only and Walgreen’s, usually for about a buck a box. They’re also sold at movie theater concession stands, probably for about $3 a box.

My other basic complaint with the candy is the packaging. I think the box itself is a bit misleading. First, in order to preserve the freshness, the bites are in a little clear plastic pouch. That’s fine, although it makes it kind of silly to have the box itself, because it’s not like you dispense from the box. The box is 3.5” wide, 6” long and .75” deep. The bag dimensions are technically the same, except that it’s of course flat. It seems that the box could be flatter or maybe the bag be narrower but fuller to be more efficient. Each box has only 3 ounces in it. A similar sized Junior Mints box has 4.75 ounces. Dots have 6.5 ounces. (Granted, Cookie Dough Bites probably aren’t as dense as Dots.)

Maybe I’m getting too snooty or expected too much after Brian at Candy Addict rates the Milk Chocolate Covered Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites as Awesomely Addictive (tm). But hey, everyone has slightly different tastes, which is why it’s so great there are so many different review sites. Here’s a roundup of other opinions: has Fudge Brownie, Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip and Review Busters.

Related Candies

  1. Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
  2. Jujyfruits & Jujubes
  3. Dots
  4. Good & Plenty (Fresh from the Factory)
  5. M&Ms Line
  6. Hershey Bites: York, Reese’s Peanut Butter and KitKat
  7. Chocolate Pocky
Name: Cookie Dough Bites - Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Fudge Brownie
  • 10 SUPERB
  • 9 YUMMY
  • 8 TASTY
  • 7 WORTH IT
  • 4 BENIGN
Brand: Taste of Nature, Inc.
Place Purchased: samples from Taste of Nature
Price: $1.00 to $1.50 retail
Size: 3.1 ounces
Calories per ounce: 127-142
Categories: Chocolate, Cookie, Peanuts, United States, Taste of Nature

POSTED BY Cybele AT 9:22 am Tracker Pixel for Entry    

  1. I’ve seen these around, but they’ve never really tempted me.  I eat enough cookie dough when I bake, I guess.  The peanut butter ones sound pretty good though.

    Comment by Alicia on 1/23/08 at 12:48 pm #
  2. These look great.
    To bad they dont have them were I live :(

    Comment by Maytal on 1/24/08 at 5:16 am #
  3. This is candy of the
    day too, go figure.

    Comment by Sean S. on 1/24/08 at 5:37 am #
  4. Maytal - check at a theater

    These are so tempting at the movie theater, but they have always disappointed me.  They only have the milk chocolate ‘chocolate chip’ ones, and I don’t think they are worth it.

    you think “Cookie dough, everyone loves that, these must be good, they cost 4 dollars”

    I don’t like these at all—they taste like flavored chalk.  For me, the innards did not meld well with the chocolate flavor.  Especially if you make cookies often.  Not even close to the real thing.

    they are about the size of cookie dough in Ben-and-Jerry’s ice cream, but they feel like they have been sent through the dehydrator.

    Comment by Dave on 1/24/08 at 6:16 am #
  5. I got the milk chocolate ones for christmas (with movie tickets) and was rather disappointed. I like cookie dough, but they tasted greasy and heavy.

    Comment by Shalan on 2/02/08 at 10:40 pm #
  6. My friends like to take these things and dump them in their popcorn at the movies, so when they grab a handful they either get “buttery” goodness or this chalky crap.  I don’t go to the movies with my friends anymore.

    Comment by Mandi on 7/10/09 at 12:51 pm #
  7. I think you mean tube, not chub

    Comment by pompous ass on 7/23/12 at 10:31 pm #
  8. My friends and I had a box of Cookie Dough Bites at the movies last night. All 3 of us who ate them, became violently ill after consuming them. We suspect it is Salmonella poisoning from the raw egg in the cookie dough. May have been a bad batch but please beware - I have never been so sick in my life!

    Comment by Jenn on 8/15/14 at 4:55 pm #
  9. Cybele's avatar

    Jenn - that’s really odd that you would think that ... this review clearly states (as does the package) that there are NO EGGS in the product at all.

    You may have gotten a food poisoning, but not for the reason that you’re stating. I’m glad you’re feeling better, and I hope you contact the appropriate local health authorities to report the issue so that they can track this.

    Comment by Cybele on 8/15/14 at 4:57 pm #

    Comment by timothy on 12/16/14 at 1:00 pm #
  11. I’m trying to find reviews like Jenn’s. My friend and I went to the movies the other night and, since it was a cheat day, I got a small bag of cotton candy and a bag of cookie dough bites. My friend just got the cotton candy. I had the whole bag of cookie dough bites but not much of the cotton candy. She didn’t have any bites and never got sick, but the next day I did and have had to stay home from school for the past two days. It could be food poisoning or salmonella poisoning, I’m not sure, but either way I’m convinced it’s from these bites.

    Comment by Kira on 2/16/17 at 11:28 am #
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