Monday, August 15, 2005

Haribo Licorice Wheels

Name: Haribo Wheels Licorice
Brand: Haribo
Place Purchased: Cost Plus
Price: $1.25 (on sale)
Size: 5.29 oz
Calories per ounce: 86
Type: Licorice

Yes, you can get licorice in whips, twists and bites, but I think that Haribo has the corner on the market when it comes to wheels. It’s really just a whip all rolled up into a disk. They look kind of like typewriter ribbon.

What I think is great about this licorice is that it strikes the ideal balance between texture, molasses and licorice flavor. Some licorice is really sweet, some kind of salty and some is just plain tasteless. This has a nice licorice punch without overwhelming (or causing those nasty licorice side effects) with a mellow and smoky molasses hint from the brown sugar and a good chew with a hint of salt to blend the flavors together.

I find I enjoy eating them by unraveling the spiral, but sometimes I’ll just bite right into the disk. By keeping them in these tight wheels, it allows you to have a soft, chewy whip instead of a hard and flavorless one.

I’d never bought these before, they’ll never displace licorice pastels, which are my absolute favorite incarnation of licorice, but I can still see myself buying these again as they are far cheaper than licorice pastels (why are they so expensive?).

Rating - 8 out of 10

POSTED BY Cybele AT 1:37 pm Tracker Pixel for Entry     CandyReviewHariboLicorice Candy8-TastyGermanyCost Plus

  1. I’m not a big fan of black licorice.  Growing up I never liked the taste of it and I used to think that eating black licorice would make my teeth black.  Of course, I now know better and I realized that drinking Coke and not brushing my teeth soon after will turn my teeth black.

    Comment by Marvo on 12/31/69 at 4:00 pm #
  2. Cybele's avatar

    I know that our tastes change, but then again, maybe I just kid myself that I like some things like fine wines, because, what the hell do I know? I’ve eaten circus peanuts ... more than once.  It might all come down to emotional associations with things - I might like licorice because no one else did and they gave me all their black jelly beans.

    Comment by Cybele on 12/31/69 at 4:00 pm #
  3. I love licorice wheels.  By far my favorite type of licorice, but i do not care for black licorice, though i do know it is the original.  It reminds me of my grandma, and one of the senior homes i volunteered at.  But that is besides the point, i find it that these candies have a special way of unfolding the sweet flavor in the strawberry flavor from this company.  Some who just bite into it and chew it feel that it is stale and tasteless.  But if you truly take your time and let it somewhat melt into or mouth, a wonderful taste of strawberry hits you.  So take a double take when walking down the candy aisle and try licorice wheels, black or red!

    Comment by Shelby Roehre on 12/04/08 at 6:28 pm #
  4. Ever since I was little I enjoyed licorice.  Unfortunately finding tasty licorice is tough, I do like these wheels a lot.  Don’t like Twizzlers, but I do like licorice from American Licorice Co. I am living in Germany and Haribo is everywhere.  The taste is the same here as it is in the U.S.  The selection of licorice in Germany is quite big (along with candy in general).  If you are looking for other sources for licorice in the U.S. there is a store called World Market that stocks a brand called Katjes that is quite good and have different varieties.

    Comment by David on 2/16/09 at 8:23 am #
  5. I just came back from Denmark today.

    I haven’t had any licorice since last summer, where I bought 5 rolls of these Haribo rolls on a street stand.
    I’ve been strongly longing for the licorice flavor so I picked a few different brands.
    5 bags of different licorice, 20dkk each

    -Paletos (I bought 2, you’ve made a review of these)

    -Vikingpastiller- were the first bag I opened.
    The jellies are small and sorta flan shaped with viking motives on the tops.I believe they have the diameter of an ordinary Skittles.
    They’re chewy and the very strong salty taste appears immediately.I can’t feel as much licorice as I taste salt.After two, three pastils I pretty much have enough for a longer while.The salt pretty much bites in the mouth, leaving a sea-salt like aftertaste.

    -Zulu-the name reminded me immediately of one of the TV channels in the Danish tv.The package is purple, with animals in the african sunset.The amount of candy isn’t that convincing, the bag is pretty small and only half of it is filled anyway.
    The pastils are thin and have african motives on them. They’re about the size of a quarter dollar.
    They’re not moldable, rather hard.They’re not chewy and get rather brittle.
    After biting the first impression is an intense menthol taste with only a gentle hint of the licorice.They leave a refreshing feeling, like after eating menthos.

    -Blue Jeans-a nice blue package, with a penguin in a cap.
    They’re similar to the Zulu ones in the feeling and size.
    The taste however is completely different.
    They taste a little sour, the licorice taste is a little more defined than in Zulus.
    After a while of chewing, they get sticky and sorta feel like munching on plastic bites.The sourness starts to vanish and the licorice taste gets a bit stronger.
    -Polet-my Danish friend got confused when I grabbed these from the shelf in the store.
    The package is yellow, with the penguin in the cap again.
    The candies are m&m’s sized and are like thick coins.They have mermaid pictures on the top.
    They’re a little crunchy, a little minty.But the overall flavor is a bit odd.It’s pretty much hard to describe, but for some reason it reminds me of the “taste” the air in the kiosk had.

    Maybe you’d like to check these out, I can say they were quite an adventure to me.

    Comment by Crow on 7/09/11 at 12:35 pm #
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