Thursday, December 8, 2011

Askinosie Intelligentsia Coffee Bar

Askinosie Intelligentsia Coffee BarSingle origin chocolate and single origin coffee sound like an excellent fit. Askinosie Chocolate, one of America’s few (but growing) number of bean to bar craft chocolate makers has paired with Intelligentsia one of America’s fair trade, artisan and single origin coffee roasters.

As with all of Askinosie’s creations, the bar is thoughtfully packaged. It comes in a glassine sleeve that’s tied shut with a little loop of twine from the bags that the cocoa beans arrive in. Inside there’s a folded sleeve label over the cellophane sealed bar. It all fits back together pretty well, which is good because I can’t eat this bar in one sitting.

Askinosie Intelligentsia Coffee Bar

It’s three ounces and cost $9.50, which is a bit steep, except compared to everything at Intelligentsia. I’ve only had their coffee twice, both times was a dry cappuccino and both times it was intense but brewed nicely - not burnt, not too acrid or acidic. (I don’t go for the darkest roast of the day, either.)

The bar has 18 squares, spelling out Askinosie Chocolate. The color of the bar is exceptionally dark, glossy and has a clear snap to it.

Askinosie Intelligentsia Coffee Bar

The scent is quite strong with more of a woodsy, coffee grounds scent than a brewed note. The texture of the bar is noticeably stiffer too. The melt is smooth but slightly chalky and dry at first. There’s plenty of cocoa butter to thin it out after a few moments, kind of like the crema on a cup of espresso.

Askinosie Intelligentsia Coffee Bar

The coffee flavors are strong, bitter and rather overwhelm the chocolate. The ingredients are cocoa beans, cane juice, coffee beans and cocoa butter. So there’s no vanilla in there, no emulsifiers.

I found myself returning to bar, even though I had to be very restrained in my portions because of the strength of the coffee. I appreciated how well blended it was, that the bar wasn’t just a superior chocolate bar with a bunch of coffee grounds thrown in like so many other companies seem to do. The flavors linger, with more mild notes of licorice, apricot, fig and molasses.

The package says there are two servings, I was much happier with six pieces over the full nine, but I’m the kind of gal that just has a small cup of coffee in the morning (an actual 8 ounce cup). Lest you feel bad about the calories (154 per ounce), there’s also almost 4 grams of protein, 4% of your calcium and 14% of your RDA of iron in that ounce. I can’t hazard a guess on the caffeine.

It’s not an every day bar, which is fine because it’s hard to get a hold of (at Intelligentsia cafes or their website) and pretty expensive. But as a substitution for three coffee drinks, it’s mighty fine, just as satisfying, far more portable and ready when I am. Now ... when is a white chocolate/coffee bar coming out?

Related Candies

  1. Meiji Corot & CoffeeBeat
  2. Espresso Filled Dark Chocolate
  3. Javaz - Milk & Dark Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans
  4. Caffe Acapella - Coffee Confections
  5. Green & Black’s Espresso Chocolate
  6. Pocket Coffee
  7. Hachez Chocolates

Name: Intelligentsia Coffee Bar
Brand: Askinosie Chocolate
Place Purchased: Intelligentsia Coffee (Pasadena)
Price: $9.00
Size: 3 ounces
Calories per ounce: 154
Categories: All Natural, Candy, Askinosie Chocolate, Caffeinated, Chocolate, Coffee, Ethically Sourced, Limited Edition, Organic, Single Origin, 9-Yummy, United States
  1. Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams has a Malted Milk & Dark Choc bar collaboration with Askinosie: It’s $11.

    Comment by edythe on 12/08/11 at 2:35 pm #
  2. I’m going to keep waiting patiently ‘til they produce a milk chocolate bar (“dark” - 62%! - milk chocolate Does. Not. Count.).

    Comment by Alix on 12/12/11 at 6:07 am #

    Comment by Capppuccino on 2/06/12 at 9:09 pm #
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Next entry: Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows + Vanilla, Cinnamon Bun, Strawberry, Chocolate Royale, Gingerbread

Previous entry: McIlhenny Co Tabasco Brand Spicy Chocolate
















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